Friday, May 15, 2009

Aisle seat/Keyless exit

I'm on the plane to LA. I was assigned seat 16C, an aisle seat. Northwest wouldn't let me change my seat assignment unless I paid $25. Even if I had wanted to choose a worse seat! Crazy. I'm a window seat person. I thought maybe I could deal with an aisle for a short flight. But I'm really not enjoying this.

I passed off my car keys to my sister at the airport. It's her car now. Gave back the apartment keys on Wednesday. I officially don't have anything that locks. Aside from a combination padlock, but that's for locking things at some indeterminate time in the future.

I kept my wallet though. I still need someplace to put my credit card and cash. I refuse to wear a stupid security pouch on my waist or around my neck. I'm not going to be a tourist. I'm not one of those travellers who can go around the world with two pairs of pants and three shirts. Screw that, I need a wardrobe to survive.

In other words, thank goodness for wheeled suitcases.

1 comment:

Bob Beck said...

Ok What now? what is your skype name we'll get that up and running. B