Monday, July 27, 2009

Final night in New Zealand

I wouldn't say that I'm freaking out. But I'm getting a ride from the hostel to the Christchurch airport in just a few hours. My flight is at 5:40 AM, but I said it would be fine if I got dropped off at midnight. A very nice staffperson at the hostel is taking me.

The trip will only take 14 hours (compared to 22 from Minnesota to New Zealand). I'm supposed to arrive in Tokyo around 4:40 PM local time. My first challenge will be to get myself from the airport into Tokyo on the train. I have directions. Kind of. But there are a lot of different trains. And some are express, and some are local. Some of the trains go to my final destination, but some of them pass by. There are English signs in the train stations though. And I've been on quite a few different public transportation systems, in different cities and countries. I'll be fine.

I didn't sell my car. So I spent about $250 in parts and repairs today, including a new battery, and I'm letting a friend I met at the hostel keep it for me. Better that than leaving the car on the street and hoping it doesn't get towed. Actually, after driving around this afternoon, I think the repairs gave the thing a new lease on life. It feels like it has a little more power now. And it starts on the first time you turn the key!

I'll be posting far more pictures in Japan than I have in New Zealand. In Japan, you get unlimited bandwidth. In New Zealand, you pay by the megabyte, which pretty much means that uploading a bunch of pictures has been out of the question.

There's a little going-away/birthday party tonight at the hostel. There will be wine and beer. It's nice that I don't have to drive myself to the airport.

Wow. In 24 hours I will be in a very foreign foreign country.

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